Bright Planet Better Bac’n Plant-Based Dog Treats 12-oz
Better Bac’n is our fourth signature flavor, a USA-made, 100% plant-based best dog treats that taste just like a mouth-watering, sizzling slice of bacon! This treat is made from wholesome, all-natural ingredients and, of course, 100% plant-based, this Bright Planet bac’n treat will satisfy dogs of all shapes and sizes! No soy, wheat, corn, peas, or artificial ingredients. The best dog treats is a wavy bacon slice shape and is one long and is approximately 0.25 thick. At only ten calories per treat, you can really spoil your dog! Break it in half for training sessions, or give a full Bright Planet dog treat when your special doggo has been extra good.Key Benefits Natural vegan dog treats You care about your pup and the planet–every time you buy a bag, Bright Planet makes a donation to plant one tree. Plant-based dog treats made with the highest-quality, sustainable, healthy ingredients. Made from wholesome, all-natural ingredients Free of gluten, corn, soy, wheat, peas, artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. Contains no animal proteins¬–perfect if your pup has allergies
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