Bright Planet Better Bac’n Plant-Based Dog Treats 6-oz
Better Bac’n is our fourth signature flavor, a USA-made, 100% plant-based Bright Planet dog treat that tastes just like a mouth-watering, sizzling slice of bacon! Made from wholesome, all-natural ingredients and, of course, 100% plant-based, this bac’n treat will satisfy dogs of all shapes and sizes! No soy, wheat, corn, peas, or artificial ingredients. The best treat for dogs is a wavy bacon slice shape that is 1 long and approximately 0.25 thick. At only 10 calories per Bright Planet dog treat, you can really spoil your dog! Break it in half for training sessions, or give a full best dog treats when your special doggo has been extra good. Key Benefits Natural vegan dog treats You care about your pup and the planet–every time you buy a bag, Bright Planet makes a donation to plant one tree. Plant-based dog treats made with the highest-quality, sustainable, healthy ingredients. Made from wholesome, all-natural ingredients Free of gluten, corn, soy, wheat, peas, artificial colors, flavors or preservatives. Contains no animal proteins¬–perfect if your pup has allergies
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