CANIDAE PURE Goodness Grain-Free Biscuit Dog Treats Duck & Chickpea 11-oz
Canidae Grain Free PURE limited ingredient biscuits let you reward your canine companion with a crunchy, healthy dog chew treats that tastes great. Available in a variety of flavors like salmon, duck, or bison paired with ingredients that are easy to recognize-like sweet potatoes, chickpeas, or butternut squash. We also include beneficial spices like turmeric, cumin, ginger, or cinnamon in CANIDAE Dog Food Grain Free Products. Spend some quality time with your buddy and treat them with these easy-snap grain free snacks. Key Benefits Real food ingredients for the taste your dog will love. Crafted with real salmon as the first ingredient and paired with nutrient-rich sweet potatoes Crunchy texture helps clean teeth and the easy-snap design provides the perfect sized treat for all breeds and sizes Canidae PURE Grain Free Biscuits are the perfect way to treat your dog Canidae is creating a world of goodness for pets and the planet. Premium proteins and regeneratively farmed ingredients nourish pets and planet in every bowl, setting a new standard for pet food. Everything we do results in a bowl full of goodness
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