CANIDAE PURE Goodness Wholesome Grains Dry Puppy Food Salmon & Oatmeal 4-lb
Canidae PURE features premium proteins and clean recipes using a limited number of wholesome ingredients that are easily recognizable. These best premium dog food limited ingredient formulas offer your dog a well-rounded meal that’s been crafted with their health and well-being in mind. Choose from a variety of formulas made with premium proteins like bison, wild boar, duck or salmon, paired with whole ingredients like sweet potatoes, peas, lentils, or chickpeas — never corn, wheat, or soy. Canidae dog foods are ultra nutritionally dense, giving your pet the goodness they deserve. Key Benefits Packed with the goodness of premium proteins and healthy fats Clean recipes featuring ingredients you recognize Wholesome grains included like barley, oatmeal and brown rice Every recipe has 10 key ingredients or fewer #1 Ingredient is always real meat, poultry or fish
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