Sojos Simply Turkey Freeze Dried Dog Treats 4-oz
Sojos Simply Turkey Dog Treats are 100% raw freeze-dried poultry treats especially made for dogs. These mouth-watering, bite-size morsels are the perfect dog training treats of all sizes and breeds. These Simply Meat Treats are gently freeze dried treats for dogs, so all the natural enzymes in raw meat are carefully protected. Sojos Simply Turkey treats are made of real, raw meat that dogs crave. With no added artificial flavors, preservatives, or colors, Sojos dog treats are amazing and perfect for training dogs. SIZES AVAILABLE: 32 oz Benefits Provides instant results No rinsing, vacuuming, or waiting is required Effective surfactant action Removes stubborn grease, dirt, and grime Works on colorfast carpets and upholstery Non-magnetic, no spot reappears after cleaning Non-flammable No unpleasant chemical smell
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